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October 23, 2005

Same punishment for gay teen sex

by @ 10:51 am. Filed under Pseudo Intellectualism

As I become older I become more enlightened to the intricacies of the universe and I begin to realize that sexual preference (gay or straight) makes very little difference to the overall character of a person. Some people would have you believe that being gay makes one more susceptible to being a pedophile (see Catholic Priest’s molestation scandals), but I’m not of the same opinion.

I thought that this was pretty funny:

“Court rejects harsher penalties for gay teen sex”

The Supreme Court of Kansas struck down a state law Friday that penalized same-sex statutory rapes by 18-year-olds much more harshly than heterosexual cases, ruling that the law unconstitutionally discriminated against homosexuals…

In 2000, Limon was 18 and a student at a state residential school for mentally disabled youth. That year, he was convicted of having oral sex with a fellow student who was one month shy of his 15th birthday.

There was no claim the sex was coerced. Kansas, like many other states, criminalizes voluntary sex between adults and minors. But in 1999, it enacted a “Romeo and Juliet” law that set a lower penalty for a statutory rape involving an 18-year-old having sex with a 14- or 15-year-old. The lighter punishment applied only to “members of the opposite sex.”

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